In an era where electronic communication becomes almost the standard, everyone seems to be at the forefront of everything.

For the University of the Immaculate Conception (UIC), however, balance becomes the norm as electronic and traditional media hold equal importance. Here, Rosea takes the center stage in both formats – print and electronic.

Rosea, which may refer to a Latin adjective meaning rose, rosy, or pink, takes the role of the old Nexus as the official publication of the UIC. Nexus had its last issue in 2006. And for its initial issue, Volume I Issue 1 Rosea shares the latest developments about the University including some stories touching the pandemic. Through Rosea, UIC hopes to create stronger ties with its partners and build a better community fostering faith, excellence, and service – the distinct core values.

Purposely, this maiden issue also talks about distance learning, special engagements, notable projects, specialized services, and much more. And to make it interesting too, possibly, all audiences, there has been an actual effort to make it more visually appealing by mixing photos with graphics to attract readers. This is a reality that everyone must contend with. Rosea, for this reason, hopes to serve the good purpose of restoring the interest in reading.

The staff of the University Communication Office or UCO takes pride that the University President, Sr. Marissa R. Viri, RVM, has strongly pushed for the revival of the official publication although in a different name. She has painstakingly worked on the establishment of UCO and the production of the magazine appropriately named Rosea.

Aristotle P. Carandang, PhD